
Let’s be honest, sister.

How many times have you been fired up, mapped out your goals mentally, talked about your plans with your BFF, attempted to write them down, and you failed to execute? 

Dang it, I know! It’s like a punch in the gut, right? Trust me girl, no judgment zone here because I’ve been there, too. 

Related article: 5 Ways to Face Your Fears

I wish I could tell you that I’ve always had a consistent plan in place to execute and achieve my life goals. An intentional mindset to master S.M.A.R.T. goals and thrive each year. But the truth is, I haven’t and I’ve failed at it miserably many times. Not because I wasn’t capable, but because I failed to be consistent and develop a plan using tangible tools to help me attain my goals. 

This advice isn’t something I learned at a round table discussion or on the job training, this is just what has worked for me. Some of you out there might find this helpful, too. 

At the beginning of the year, (when my momentum was at its highest peak) I vowed to myself that things were going to change. My goals were worthy of being accomplished, and I was going to consistently work like I’ve never worked before. 

It’s the third quarter of the year, and I’m proud to say that I kept that promise to myself and reached the following goals: 

  • I’ve written 11 articles for five publications. 
  • I finished the first draft of my manuscript, and it’s in the hands of an editor.
  • I became an entrepreneur, established a freelance writing business (Girl You Write), and a women’s lifestyle blog.
  • I built a website for both that I’m extremely proud of. 
  • I lost 9 pounds, and my longest run was 8 miles and I’m still alive!
  • I traveled to NY with my family and seen Niagara Falls. It was breathtaking. 
  • I traveled to Cancun, Mexico with my husband to celebrate our anniversary, and we stayed at a 5-star resort.

None of those things would have been possible without staying consistent, creating a plan, and following thru. I shared those goals, not because I felt a need to brag, but because I want you to know how I achieved them, despite the times I’ve failed so that you can, too. 


Here are things that helped me become a Goal Digger.

1. Vision board: The first time I heard Oprah Winfrey endorse a dream board, I was sold. Ever since then, I’d swooned at the thought of making one for years. But to no avail, “my plans” derailed and I didn’t make it happen during the time that I was suppose too. But last year, I had the gumption to put my big girl pants on and create a Pinterest inspired vision board. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It hangs in my home office, and it inspires me daily to continue pushing towards my dreams.

2. Planners: I’m obsessed with planners! Particularly, Kate Spade (mega size) planners and The Happiness Planners are my personal favorites. They’re spacious and structured well, which makes them very efficient to use. And they’re super cute! I recently purchased The Content Planner, and I’m extremely excited to use it. Eeek! It’s great for blogging, content creation, eCommerce, and social media marketing. If you have a busy schedule like me, a planner makes your life so much easier. It keeps appointments, meetings, freelance projects, events, kids extracurricular activities, and more organized. For fun, I outline my goals for the upcoming months, and I write inspirational words and quotes for each day of the week. 

3. Books: I have a tiny secret, I’d never been a book nerd until three years ago. I use to associate reading as a chore rather than enjoyment. That was until I found books that spoke to me, my life, and my goals. Then, they had me at hello, which motivated me to write my book, and empower women to pursue their dreams despite their failures or fears. Self-help and personal development books are great reads to stay focused and motivated towards your goals. Some of my favorites are Girl, Stop Apologizing and Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel HollisWomen & Money by Suze Orman, and currently, I’m reading Becoming by Michelle Obama

4. Gratitude Journal: I admire Rachel Hollis’ work, so I decided to purchase her Start Today Journal, and I’m in love with it. Each day you list five things you’re grateful for, ten dreams as if they’ve already happened, and one goal you’re going to achieve first. This is known as the 10, 10, 1 process. On July 8th, I started journaling and it’s something that I look forward to every day. 

5. Inspirational Decor: My home office is filled with all kinds of wall art/inspirational quotes that read, “God’s got this, Dreams don’t work unless you do, Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful, and Choose happy.” To accompany those, I’ve included decorative pillows, plaques, photo frames, mugs, and notebooks with written inspirational messages. Surrounding my space with positive affirmations are constant reminders to continue pursuing my goals. 

What goals are you pursuing? What essentials tools are you using to achieve them? 

You got this, girl!