Me and Cailyn

Do you have that one girlfriend that understands you, and no matter what the situation is, you always have fun together and laugh until you’re about to pee your pants?

That’s the kind of friendship that I have with my bestie, Cailyn. We’ve known each other since Kindergarten, and she’s more like a sister to me.

Although we live two hours apart, we still find time in our schedules to hang out a few times a year. Sure, we’re both busy wives and moms with full-time careers, and a massive to-do-list that seems endless, but we understand the importance of girl-time and hopefully, so do you.

But if you’re not taking the time to spend with your BFF, here are three reasons why you should consider a girls’ getaway, GNO, or a couple of hours to indulge in something fun.

Let Loose and Relax: During the week, we’re full-on with working 40 hours (with deadlines), cooking dinner, laundry, grocery shopping, shuttling the kids to and from soccer practice, helping them with homework, exercising, the list goes on and on. Barely leaving us enough time for ourselves to relax and take care of us. Besides that, enjoying girl talk and talking about all of the things you wish you could talk about with your husband, your girlfriend is all ears. You know, like discussing your new fall wardrobe that you plan to pair with three different types of boots that you found for a steal online. The beauty secrets that you exchange with each other while doing your makeup together. Or drinking wine and watching Wine Country, (which we did do). And let’s not forget about shopping! Every woman needs multiple go-to pieces in her closet at all times. That is always on our agenda to do, it’s therapeutic, right? Right.  

To Get Dressed Up: During the workweek, we’re forced to wear business attire, and let’s be honest — it’s not always comfortable. When you get home from work every day, are you racing to the bedroom to get undressed out of your work clothes? I sure am. This is why shopping is essential for women because we need to get dressed up and feel beautiful with our girls! Not to say that you don’t get dressed up for yourself or significant other and not feel pretty (because you should). But getting dressed up with your bestie is different. Why? Because you have someone there to give you advice on your outfits and no matter what, your true friend will always keep it real with you, sister. 

Because you can relate to each other: There’s nothing worse than having a conversation with someone, and they give you the poker face. That sucks. And every time that happens, I tell myself, “Cailyn would understand me and probably laugh out loud.” We need people in our lives, for better or worse, who share some of our same experiences, beliefs, values, and goals. Though I share those same things with my husband, it’s different because he’s a man, and he will never be able to relate in that way. That’s unrealistic. Nonetheless, when you have like-minded girlfriends in your circle who support you and encourages you — and accepts you for who you are — it just makes life a little sweeter.

Another great thing that came out of our girls’ weekend was deciding on a place to celebrate our 40th birthdays. We became inspired by watching Wine Country, and we’re thinking about Napa Valley. If you’ve ever traveled there, I would love to know about your experience. I welcome all of the details!

So, friend, if you haven’t taken advantage of a girls’ weekend, GNO, or a few hours to do all of the girly things, the time is now.

When are you making plans?