
Writing is my passion.

And it’s true. Freelance writing has changed my life.

For the longest time, I thought I’d never become a writer. As I typed those words, it still seems so surreal. After years of sending several pitches to publications with no response, I became frustrated and gave up (for a while) on ever having a freelance writing career. The evil little voice in my head told me that I wasn’t capable or smart enough for my work to be published. Those lies lingered in my mind way too long, hindering me from pursuing my passion as a freelance writer.

Though I’d been operating from a place of rejection and fear — my burning desire to become a writer was undeniable. It lite my heart on fire, and no matter how hard I tried to bury those feelings deep within me, they resurfaced again and again.

Fear is such a nasty word when you have big dreams. There were so many things that petrified me. I feared failure. I feared that it would be too hard. I feared making a fool of myself. I feared the world would laugh at me if I failed. I feared change. I feared being a quitter. Jeff Goins, a New Times Best Selling Author says, “Waiting for the fear to go away isn’t a good strategy — it won’t happen. For those called to do important work, you’re going to have to move through it.”

Related Reading: 5 Ways to Face Your Fears

After years of battling with my fears, I decided that fear wasn’t going to win anymore. Oprah Winfrey once said, “The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you free.” Conquering my fears has changed my life, too.

Here are things that have helped me with being a freelance writer.

When I think of courage, I often reflect on my favorite childhood movie — The Wizard of Oz. The Lion was a victim of disorganized thinking. He became a victim of his own thought process. How many times are we guilty of replaying the negative things that have happened in our lives? I would venture to say, A LOT. Courage allowed me to look deep within myself and make an informative decision to launch my freelance business and lifestyle blog, Girl, You Write. On September 1, 2019, I made it happen. I’ve learned that fear is stagnant and courage is action.

Through freelance writing, I’ve gained more confidence than I’d ever imagined. A piece that I wrote, Against the Odds, gave me the confidence that I needed to continue pursuing my passion as a writer. Not only have I gained more confidence in my writing craft, but I’ve gained confidence in other areas of my life. It has allowed me to level up. And I’ve chosen to set the standards higher for myself.

Comfort Zone
Maybe you can relate to this. How many times have you been fired up, mapped out your goals mentally, talked about your plans with your BFF, and attempted to write them down, and you failed to commit? We’ve all struggled with this, and there is a way to shift the narrative. What helped me was discovering my why and asking myself this hard question. Are you willing to commit and change the trajectory of your life? When you’re passionate about your craft and decide to go all in 100% — change will happen.

There’s no doubt that practice makes perfect when you’re intentional about your niche. When I dedicated myself to writing every day and sent multiple pitches to publications, doors started to open. I wanted to be successful, and I was willing to do the work.

Becoming the best version of yourself is up to you. Something powerful happens when you realize that you (and only you) can change the trajectory of your course. You are the only person that can take charge of your future. No one else is responsible. Your will power comes from within you.

I’m grateful that freelancing is allowing me the opportunity to dream big. I never want to look back. I’m so thankful for taking a chance on myself to pursue the things I thought were impossible.

What has changed your life?