30 Days of Gratitude: Day 9

“As women, we have to start appreciating our own worth and each other’s worth. Seek out strong women and each other’s worth. Seek out strong women to befriend, to align yourself with, to learn from, to collaborate with, to be inspired by, to support, and enlightened by.” — Madonna

1. If no one claps when you win, just keep winning. That’s what a Wonder Woman does. 

2. Invest in personal and professional growth. Listen to podcasts, read books, join a group. You will be glad that you did.

3. Save and invest your money. Life happens.

4. Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone’s chapter 20. They had a chapter 1 too.

5. If you want more, be willing to do more.

6. Surround yourself with like-minded and successful people. They’re successful for a reason.

7. Be willing to take constructive criticism as growth, not an insult.

8. Never give up, success requires many attempts. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

9. Be authentic to who you are and go after what you want. God created one you.

10. Celebrate your small and big wins, you’re deserving.

11. Take responsibility for your own happiness. It’s no one else’s responsibility. Happiness comes from within.

12. Challenge yourself every day to be better than yesterday.

13. Don’t worry about the opinion of others. Who are you living for?

14. Be willing to do what others won’t do, hard work pays off.

15. Walk away from negativity, it’s that simple.

16. Do what makes you happy and don’t apologize for it.

17. Step outside of your comfort zone and be intentional. Try something new for the next 30 days.

18. Dream big, even it scares you. Don’t minimize your dreams for anyone.

19. Know your worth, and never settle for less. Never lower your standards.

20. Live your life with no regrets. You can’t get yesterday back.

21. Understand that things in life happen for a reason and season. Learn to let go when needed.

22. Always advocate for yourself. It’s okay to have a voice.

23. Love yourself more every day. You deserve it.

24. Know that you can and you will. Willpower comes from with you.

25. Believe that you can do anything you set your mind to and don’t let anyone convince you that you can’t.

26. Don’t wait on others to motivate you. Motivate yourself.

27. Your mindset determines your success. Whatever you feed into your mind, those are the results you’ll get.

28. Take risks and step outside of your comfort zone.

29. Let go of the notion that you’re not enough. You are everything.

30. Keep pushing. Pursue your passions until you drop. Rest, get up and do it again.

You got this, girl!