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30 Days of Gratitude: Day 13

Freelancing and blogging is something that I’ve wanted to do for several years. I never thought I’d be doing both in the capacity that I am now. Having my own business and building my brand has been a dream come true. I get to live my dream every day by writing for the world.

Related Reading: How Freelance Writing Changed My Life

Both have taught me a lot and provided me an opportunity to build my portfolio, leverage my craft, and land a variety of freelance gigs.


1. Seeing my byline in notable publications — it never gets old.

2. Writing for publications that positively impact communities. It feels good to contribute and make a difference in the world.

3. Learning from brilliant publishers and editors.

4. Writing content on a variety of topics — it’s fun.

5. Interviewing trailblazers in the community and writing their stories.

6. Expressing myself, relating to readers, and delivering the content they want to read about.

7. Having the luxury to determine my own schedule.

8. Getting compensated for my work, it’s a great feeling.

9. Freelance writing motivates me to continue growing my business, promoting my brand, and building my community.

10. As a freelancer, I get to control what jobs I’ll take or decline.

11. Networking with different people and building my client base for my business.

12. Gaining opportunities to write for publications I’ve never written for.

13. Learning about the world of journalism and build an impressive portfolio.

14. Perfecting my craft and build a name for myself and brand.

15. Opportunities to write for local and national publications.

Before I started blogging, I was curious to know what the hype was about regarding blogging. When I clicked the publish button on my first blog post, I was terrified. Terrified of what others might think of my writing. Would they read it? Would I be the laughing stock of the blogging world? My mind ran away with me. But the more I blogged, I became comfortable and fell in love with blogging.


1. I can be as creative as I want and express myself and share my passions.

2. Blogging showcases my work for potential writing projects.

3. I’ve had the opportunity to feature my blogs on Gumptown Magazine’s online publication.

4. I’m able to build a personal connection with my audience.

5. It’s daily practice to learn and refine my writing skills.

6. Earn more exposure and credibility.

7. I’m able to make a difference and share my knowledge with the world.

8. I’ve built a professional network with publishers, editors, and businesses.

9. My creativity and memory increase.

10. It’s a journey of self-fulfillment and self-discovery.

11. Having a positive impact on someone’s life during a difficult time.

12. Creating ideas that could potentially turn into a book.

13. Establish myself as an expert in areas of personal and professional interest.

14. Improve my SEO search for users.

15. It helps me to stay knowledgeable about journalism.

I’m thankful that I’m pursuing my passion.