30 Days of Gratitude: Day 19


I’d always wanted a Pinterest inspired home office that I could call my own. What can I say, I’m a girly-girl, and I love to decorate.

When I was a girl, I was obsessed with pretending I was a secretary with my brother as my client (which he hated). I begged him until he agreed. He’d pretend he was a client coming into the bank to borrow a loan. (Thank you, Derrick. I love you!) I used our dining room table as my office and our refrigerator as a fax machine. I had a creative imagination. It fascinated me to work inside an office.

Even then, I’d imagine what colors my office would be, what I’d use as wall art, what type of books would be on my shelf, and if I’d have a lounger or not. Possibly, a TV too.

When I started writing, and although I can write anywhere, I still envisioned sitting in an inspiring space and toiling away at my soon to be book. Which I can happily say I’ve completed, and I’m gearing up for the publishing process. Fingers crossed.

Related Reading: How Writing a Book Changed My Life: A Look Behind the Scenes

When my husband and I were looking to purchase our home, he desired a spacious man cave, and it only made sense that I included my home office on our wish list. Needless to say, it worked out perfectly.

Since I love to do a variety of things, I created a space that was conducive to all of my passion projects and leisure activities. Not only do I use it to write, but I use it for devotional time, arts & crafting, reading, and relaxing.

And I’ll admit, my 3-year-old loves to come into mommy’s office to paint and color. Before she was born, I said to my BFF, “My office will only be for me—no kids allowed!” (Clearly, I was wrong.) She’s allowed for a limited amount of time to keep it nice and neat.

If you desire to create an office space you love, here are some tips that will make the workspace of your dreams come to life.

I use Pinterest for everything that I want to bedazzle. Including my pride and joy home office. And don’t worry, creating a chic space doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. Pinterest offers creative ideas to decorate on a budget. For sure, you can ball on a budget. That’s my motto. Design a space that speaks to your personality. By doing so, you’re likely to utilize it more, and you’re more productive.

This is a huge one for me. When things in my life and space are organized—it’s easier to function. My method of organization is simple. I tidy up a bit each time I use my office. That way, it’s easier for me to maintain a clutter-free space. Otherwise, I stress out, and it gives me anxiety. But, I’m learning to manage that a lot better. Because life gets messy, especially with a 3-year-old.

Related Reading: How to Embrace Your Chaos

When your office looks nice and neat, inspiration will flow. To add an extra boost of inspiration, I’ve added wall art quotes. I’m obsessed with them and, they add an extra touch to my decor. In addition to that, I have a vision board that inspires me to produce creative content through freelancing and blogging, my favorite books on a shelf, and other trinkets and sentimental objects that motivates me to be productive.

I’m thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to create an office space that I love. 

What are your desires for an office space?