30 Days of Gratitude: Day 21

The Color Purple Pic

Until you do right by me everything you think about is gonna crumble! — Celie

I grew up watching the epic film, The Color Purple with my mom. It was one of her favorite movies. She was always a fan of Danny Glover, Whoopi Goldberg, and Oprah Winfrey.

Naturally, I gravitated to it being one of my favorite movies, too.

Though there’s some controversy centered around the 1985 film, I’ve found it moving and powerful. However, I don’t discredit that it could potentially fall into the category of stereotypical narratives of “black male violence.” And possibly gives a misleading representation of blacks in America and distorts our culture. But I’m not blogging to debate.

Oprah Winfrey, who played Sophia, Celie’s step daughter-in-law, in the movie, said: “This movie is not trying to represent the history of black people in this country any more than ‘The Godfather’ was trying to represent the history of Italian-Americans. In this case, it’s one woman’s story.” That’s why I found it powerful—it was one woman’s story. I think The Color Purple displayed her strength and determination to live. Despite the circumstances of abuse, and bigotry that she faced. She preservers through it all, holding on to her dream of one day reuniting with her sister in Africa.

While I was scrolling through social media yesterday, I came across a post—the national touring company of The Color Purple musical will perform at The Montgomery Performing Arts Center on May 22, 2020, at 8:00 p.m. Immediately, I stopped what I was doing and called my husband and said, “We’re going to see The Color Purple musical, and I’m buying tickets today!”

With my burst of excitement, I texted a dear friend, and she was game, too. That was my cue to call her and secure our tickets. As we were talking on the phone and navigating through Ticketmaster online, she noticed four seats available up close, center stage. It was meant to be! A two couple outing. We scurried to purchase our tickets at the same time as if our life depended on it.

I’m thankful for good friends, an opportunity for a fun outing, and I’m looking forward to a great performance.

Are you looking forward to any performances?