30 Days of Gratitude: Day 25


Working in higher education for the past 13 years, I’ve always had the entire week of Thanksgiving off, and I love it! 

I love the holiday season. Especially Christmas, it’s my favorite time of the year. 

Related Reading: My Christmas Story: A Real-Life Charlie Brown Chrismas

It never fails, every year I have this thought, that an entire week is a substantial amount of time off. Well, it is. Sort of, but not really. Let me explain. First off, I’m so thankful for the time that I have off, and I wouldn’t change it. However, when you have a to-do-list that seems endless—a week can seem a lot shorter than you think. And this year, even more so because I’m a new entrepreneur, I’m freelancing for several publications (as of now, I have three projects that I need to finish this week), and I’m blogging like crazy. 

But this year, I’ve promised myself it would be different because I have a plan, despite the zillion things I have to get done. Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” And I don’t plan on failing. I plan on being prepared to slay my Thanksgiving week goals one by one. 

Here are my goals that I want to accomplish during Thanksgiving week. 

  1. Plan and schedule my week. 
  2. Decorate the inside and outside of my home with Christmas decorations. 
  3. Take my daughter to a check-up.
  4. Plan my daughter’s 4th birthday party. 
  5. Meet with my BFF for lunch and have some girl-talk. 
  6. Interview two people for an article via phone.  
  7. Plan the remainder of my blog posts for November. 
  8. Finish three freelance projects and blog every day for the remainder of November. 
  9. Travel to my family’s home and spend Thanksgiving day with them. 
  10. Do a little of Black Friday/Christmas shopping and wrap presents.
  11. Ship my nieces birthday present off at the Post Office. 
  12. Update my business spreadsheet for Girl, You Write.
  13. Work on my book proposal. 
  14. Have date night with my hubby. 
  15. Catch up on the latest Hallmark Christmas movies. 

If this list seems like a lot, it is. But, I believe I can accomplish these tasks with proper strategies for goal setting. I plan on executing these goals with reasonable timelines in mind while using practical essentials to accomplish the tasks. 

Here’s how I plan to accomplish my goals. 

  •  I plan on using my Happiness Planner and Content Planner to plan and schedule my entire week.
  • Think about the time frame to have my goals accomplished.  
  • Write down my timeframe with specific and realistic dates.
  • Stick to my schedule and be consistent. 
  • Stay productive and eliminate all time wasters. 
  • Tackle my longer task first, then aim for smaller tasks. 
  • Have a positive mindset to complete each task. 
  • Write in my gratitude journal every morning. 
  • Work smarter, not harder. 

How are you slaying your goals for Thanksgiving?