Being grateful all the time isn’t easy. But it’s when you least feel thankful that you are most in need of what gratitude can give you: perspective. Gratitude can transform any situation. It alters your vibration, moving you from negative energy to positive. It’s the quickest, easiest most powerful way to effect change in your life—this I know for sure.

— Oprah Winfrey

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 27


On July 8th, I started journaling and practicing the art of gratitude.

I purchased the Start Today Journal created by Rachel Hollis, and I’m in love with it. I admire her work as a New York Times Bestselling author, motivational speaker, and blogger. I’d always heard about gratitude journaling before. (Oprah has endorsed it for years) but it wasn’t until I started reading Rachel Hollis’ books, following her on social media, and listening to her RISE podcast and watching her Start Today Morning Show is when I started journaling. My “attitude for gratitude” began to emerge.

Each day you list five things you’re grateful for, ten dreams as if they’ve already happened, and one goal you’re going to achieve first. This method is known as the 10, 10, 1 process. Her gratitude journal was created and designed for that specific purpose.

Related Reading: 5 Essentials for Goal Setting

After I started journaling, I looked for the small things throughout the day that I sometimes miss otherwise, when I’m not in sync with finding gratitude. Things like a stranger complimenting my shoes, or a young man holding the door open for me, or my almost 4-year-old daughter telling me I’m the best mommy in the world.

My 2020 Start Today Journal with my favorite verse!

Here are some of my journal entries. 

July 9th—No dishes in the sink.
July 17th—My daughter counted to 50.
August 2nd—Seeing my byline in a publication.
August 5th—My daughter starting Pre-K
September 1st—Launching my business website.
September 15—A friend helping me with Instagram.
October 2nd—A friendly email.
October 29th—A publication accepted my pitch.
November 26th—Putting up Christmas decorations.

As you can see, mine are short and simple. It’s the small things in life that bring me the biggest reward. This practice has changed me and my life because it makes me appreciate all the things that I do have rather than what I don’t have.

Gratitude is known to be a powerful form of inspiration. It’s a powerful inspiration that anyone can tap into, if you’re willing to stop and pay attention to the simplistic beauty and miracle of life.

How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

#1—Being grateful makes you feel happier

Studies have shown that having gratitude does make you feel happier. When you think about all of the countless blessings that encircle your life, you feel an immeasurable amount of joy. When you’re happier, you perform better, positivity radiates in your life, you’re a kinder person, more resilient, and you welcome goodness into your life.

#2—It improves the quality of your life

Gratitude improves your mental health and wellness, emotional state, spiritual aptitude, and physical health. If you think about it, when you exude joy in your heart and happiness in your life, you feel better. Gratitude will start to manifest in every area of your life when you choose it. Therefore, improving the quality of your mental health, too.

#3—It helps you reach your goals

On this journey of my life, I live and breathe goal setting for every area of my life. Why? Because I find personal satisfaction and joy by doing so. I believe goals give you purpose and perspective. And when gratitude becomes a part of your life, reaching your goals becomes so much easier and effective.

If you’re ready to have an attitude for gratitude, the time is now. You don’t have to wait until next week, next month, or even next year. You can start today!

I’m thankful that I started incorporating the practice of gratitude, it has changed my life.

Do you practice gratitude?