
Today is my 40th birthday, and it’s a leap day!!! 

This birthday is extra special because I’m celebrating my real birthday—February 29th. 

I’ll admit when I was an impressionable teenager, and in my young naive 20’s, 40 seemed so old and so far away. Sounds absurd, right? Right! But I’ve never felt better at 40-years-old. My confidence has risen to a level that I never thought it would. My voice has been heard in ways that I didn’t think was possible. I’ve made an impact in the lives of others by stringing words together on a page. My goals and achievements have become my reality, and my grit has trumped my doubts and fears. I’ve allowed myself to grow into the woman I’ve always wanted to be.   

I feel fiercefantastic, and fabulous. I’ve reached a milestone, a peak in womanhood that’s filled with more than I’d ever imagined. I’ve learned A LOT, (still have more to learn), but I can’t wait to see what my 40th year holds.

If you know me, you know that writing these words isn’t to boast in my glory, but to acknowledge that it is possible to live a purposeful life and pursue your passions. 

According to Walter B. Pitkin, life begins at forty. If that’s true, I’m in for one heck of a ride, because by the grace, love, and mercy from God, my future goals are shining brighter and brighter. 

In the words of Queen Bey, “I DREAM IT, I WORK HARD, I GRIND TIL I OWN IT!”  

I’d be remiss if I didn’t share some things about my road to 40. But instead of sharing 40 things I’ve learned along the way, I want to share 40 things I plan on accomplishing this year. That seems much more fun and ambitious. And by doing so, this keeps my goals in the forefront of my life. 

Without further ado:

Here’s my 40 to-do-list. 

  1. Publish and market my book.
  2. Start on brainstorming an ebook. 
  3. Be a guest on a podcast. 
  4. Land a speaking engagement. 
  5. Attend a women’s conference and network with writers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs. 
  6. Join a small group at Church of the Highlands. 
  7. Attend the Color Purple musical on a double date with close friends.   
  8. Travel with my husband for our anniversary trip. 
  9. Travel to Nappy Valley with my bestie for our 40th birthday bash. 
  10. Go see School Girls play.
  11. Go to an Atlanta Hawks game with my hubby. 
  12. Get featured in a publication for being born on leap year. 
  13.  Start the process to get a certification in PM. 
  14.  Attend the all women’s conference at Church of the Highlands.
  15.  Attend an event for women in the military. 
  16.  Take a beach trip with my family.
  17.  Send pitches to ten of my favorite publications (local and national). 
  18.  Run another 5k. 
  19.  Attend a WWE wrestling match.
  20.  Join a book club. 
  21.  Read a book by Stephen King. 
  22.  Take a dance class with a friend. 
  23.  Craft a new decor for my daughter’s room. 
  24.  Give up something for 30 days. 
  25.  Try something I’ve never done before that scares me. 
  26.  Write a poem that I’m proud to share. 
  27.  Try three new shows on Netflix. 
  28.  Listen to five three new podcasts that make me laugh. 
  29.  Attend a basic mediation training course and get certified. 
  30.  Do a FB or Instagram live video for my upcoming book release. 
  31.  Do a photoshoot for my business and blogs. 
  32.  Volunteer at an organization. 
  33.  Visit a family member that I haven’t seen in a while. 
  34.  Donate to three worthy causes. 
  35.  Become a co-editor for a publication. 
  36.  Blog for a small owned business. 
  37.  Become a part of an additional women’s group.
  38.  Host a girls night out at my house with my favorite things. 
  39.  Do a variety of exercises (run, yoga, cycling, and dance). 
  40.  Do one thing every day that makes me happy.