
Happy International Women’s Day! In honor of today, I felt what better time than now to reveal the title of my upcoming book

After all, being a woman, I drew inspiration from other women to write a book because I believe we all have a story worth telling. And I wanted to share my story, insights, and advice with women all across the world. To share with women who’ve faced the same challenges as me and second-guessed their passion and purpose. 

Before writing the book, I felt a strong calling from God to use the gift of writing to make a difference in women’s lives. When I started writing it, it was important for the book to be relatable. To be practical. I wanted to leave the reader feeling like they had a girlfriend that could relate to their everyday life. A friend who understands their inner struggles whatever they may be. And also, a friend that was cheering them on, uplifting them and empowering them to continue on their journey—no matter how hard life gets. 

I believe in helping women see their strengths, develop self-confidence, and become well-rounded, independent leaders. 

If you’ve been following me and my blogs for a while, you know writing a book changed my life. It taught me a lot about goals, patience, persistence, hard work, and that dreams do come true. 

After the release of my book, I hope that it will reach as many women, young women (even men) as possible. My next dream is that it will be instrumental and change the lives of others, just like it changed mine—for the better.  

Everybody has that one book. The one that grips your heart and comes along at the right moment in your life. The one that made you feel inspired and heard. Less alone. That’s what I want my book to do for you! 

Choosing a title for my book wasn’t easy. I just knew I wanted to write a book that would touch the souls of women and be a champion for their life and success. I did a lot of soul searching throughout the process, and I learned things about myself that were lying dormant within. For months I pondered what it would be. I prayed and asked God for guidance to determine the one that not only would speak to me but strongly speak to my audience. 

As I continued to pray, He put things in perspective for me more and more. In the book, I wanted to convey that in life, you should always continue to grow. Transition and elevate yourself to a place of success. To accomplish your goals and dream bigger than big. To transition into the woman that God wants you to be. And if I could sit you down, sister, I’d cup your hand in mine and tell you this, it is possible to live a purposeful life and pursue your passions. I know, because I’ve done it. 

Will it be easy? Of course not. But it is possible. 

I believe that life is a continual growth and learning process, and sometimes, you have to start at the beginning to get to the peak or ideal moment of something. To experience the beauty of life and flourish along the way. 

That’s why I chose the title, Bloom: How to Get from Good Enough to a Life You Love. 

Prepare your heart to be moved beyond what my words can express to you. I’ve used my book as a platform to step outside of my comfort zone, trust myself, and go after what I want. I wrote it for you and so can you. Believe it or not, you have a destiny for greatness to tap into your highest potential, no matter how dark life can be. It’s up to you to see the light.  

I hope that you’re as excited to read my book as I was to write it. There are tones of exciting things coming with my book release. Stay tuned for my book release date and continue to follow me on social media (Facebook: Girl, You Write, and Instagram: @girlyouwrite). Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my email list at girlyouwrite.com

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