When it comes to taking care of your hair and skin during COVID-19, it’s the perfect opportunity to ramp up your hair and skincare routines. Most of us have extra time on our hands, and this is an ideal time to give your hair and skin extra TLC from the comfort of your home. 

My Hair Four years ago, I decided to transition my hair to its natural state. (No chemicals: relaxers/perms, color, etc.) It’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Though it’s been a good decision, it’s been a journey. You can read more about my hair journey here: How I Learned to Love My Natural Hair.

If you’ve strongly questioned possibly transitioning your hair to its natural state, personally, I’d say go for it! But, there’s a caveat to doing this—it requires work. Especially if you want your hair healthy, shiny, and manageable. The work part, unfortunately, there’s no way for me to sugar coat it for you. I’m a realist, and I’m going to give it to you raw and real when it comes to rocking your natural hair. While considering your decision, it’s important to think about the time and effort that goes along with maintaining it. Again, this is from my standpoint of what I’ve experienced for the past four years. However, It does get easier once you learn your hair, learn about products, techniques, and what works best for your hair. 

And I’m not saying wearing natural hair is for everyone—because it’s not. It depends on if you want to make a change for your hair and willing to have patience throughout the process. I think it’s all about personal preference. For me, it’s beneficial because it keeps my hair healthy (thick, shiny, and longer). Also, I’m able to wear protective hairstyles that allow me to get up and go. I decided chemicals were no longer good for my hair. They were becoming too harsh on my hair, leaving it dry and brittle. And ultimately, damaging my hair. 

During quarantine, I diligently shampoocondition, and moisturize my hair. Last night, I decided to flat iron my hair, but also, I avoid putting too much heat on my hair because heat damage can be brutal on your hair.

For the most part, I try to stick with all-natural hair products as well. Another thing about using products on your natural hair is finding out which ones work best for your hair texture. It’s been trial and error for me over the years. Typically, I purchase my hair products from Target and Sally Beauty Supply. Here are a few that I like to use. 

My Skin Like many teenagers, I struggled with acne. And during my early and late twenties, it still lingered, too. I tried a lot of over the counter skincare products, and some worked, some didn’t. And when the ones that did work, eventually stopped working, I started going to a dermatologist. It worked wonders for my skin. But eventually, I got tired of seeking medical treatment for my skin. So, I decided to make a change on my own. As I got older, I learned that a healthy skincare regiment not only consisted of good skincare products but what you put into your body as well—your diet and lots of water consumption. 

I turned 40 years old this year, and as I get older, I try to be very intentional about taking care of my skin. At my age now, I enjoy my skin so much more because it’s healthier and more vibrant. Since being in quarantine and wearing no makeup for the past month, this time has given my skin a chance to breathe. It has allowed me to love my skin more during this time.

My skincare routine consists of washingexfoliating, and moisturizing. My skin is very sensitive, and I’ve found that natural products work best for my skin at the stage in my life. I love serums and creams. And products that have vitamins C and E and tea tree oil are my go to. Believe it or not, Home Goods and TJ Maxx are gold mines for high-end products at an affordable cost. That’s where I purchase all of my natural skincare products. Here are the natural skincare products that I use daily. 

If you’ve wanted to improve your hair and skin routines during this pandemic, I hope this post has been somewhat helpful to you. Though all of the products that I recommended may not work for you, find what works best for your hair and skin—it’ll make you feel like a million bucks!