30 Days of Gratitude: Day 1



“OK, bloggers now let’s get in formation! It’s almost time to #bloglikecrazy!”

These are the words of Javacia Harris Browser, founder of See Jane Write — a website & community for women who write and blog. Every year in November, she challenges bloggers to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days. I’ve been a member of her organization since June, and this is my first time participating in the Blog Like Crazy challenge. Whether you’re a member or not, she welcomes anyone to participate in the challenge.

As a leader, Javacia does a phenomenal job of providing effective tips and tricks to her members to succeed and become better writers and bloggers.

I will admit, although I was fire up and ready to participate in the challenge when she announced it, fifteen minutes later, the evil little voice in my head made me question myself. “How do I make time to blog every day with my plate runneth over?” Turns out, the answer is simple. I plan. Because failing to plan is planning to fail.

Since July, I’ve been practicing the art of gratitude. I have Rachel Hollis’ Start Today Journal that I write in daily. It captures five things I’m grateful for, ten dreams as if they’ve already happened, and one goal I’m going to achieve. This is known as the 10, 10, 1 process.

Related Reading:5 Essentials for Goal Setting

I decided to blog about gratitude for 30 days and share my sprinkles of gratefulness with you. In a world where instant gratification is expected (yet, many times unrealistic), and entitlement lives in the hearts of many, we tend to overlook and take for granted the smaller things to be grateful for. If you pay attention, there are blessings all around you every day. How often do you pause and appreciate things in your life?

Although I questioned myself about blogging daily, I knew that I wanted and needed this opportunity to challenge myself in a way that I’ve never been challenged before. To step outside of my comfort zone with gumption and ambition.

Here are 3 reasons why I accepted the Blog Like Crazy challenge.

Boost my creativity. As a writer, this is extremely important to pique readers’ interest. Creating compelling content not only grabs my audience’s attention, it assures me that I’m producing quality content. Also, enhancing my creativity will help me to never run out of ideas.

Develop consistency. Practice is the key to improving any skill. Jeff Goins says, “Real writers practice. Doing what musicians and boxers and lion tamers do to get ready for their work. To become awesome at their crafts. There’s no difference with writers.” Without repetition, the chances of improving are likely minimal.

Enhance my community. Writing for my audience and connecting with my audience is an empowering feeling. I’m inspired by people who support my work. Through written words, I desire to connect with my community while making a positive impact on their lives.

I’m thankful for this opportunity to sharpen my skills and become a better writer and blogger.

I hope you enjoy my daily blogs this month as I take you on this amazing journey with me. I have a lot to be thankful for.

What are you thankful for today?