30 Days of Gratitude: Day 17

We have so much coming in as sisters, when is our interior life ever put at the forefront? We constantly want to give to other people. Too much of not caring for yourself is not a good thing. We’re bad at that as achievers. Self-care is a priority and we have to do it more.

— Ava DuVernay

  1. Put yourself first. Though this may sound selfish, it’s not. It doesn’t mean that you’re going to neglect your family or friends, it means that you’re going to honor your self-worth. Start every morning with a routine. Consider meditating, 30 minutes of exercise, read a book for 20 minutes, or have a cup of tea and watch your favorite TV show. 
  2. Have fun and spend time alone. If you’ve never been to the movies, out to eat, or visited a museum by yourself, try it. Surprisingly, some of the best moments in your life could be alone time with yourself. 
  3. Practice kindness. Candace Cameron Bure once said in her book Kind is the New Classy, “Kindness can anchor us in any circumstance and power the way to a meaningful life—both for ourselves and those around us. Mindfully practice kindness in everything that you do.
  4. Surround yourself with positive people. This one is huge for me. If you surround yourself with negative energy, you’ll likely become negative too. However, if you choose to surround yourself with positive people—it creates a healthy and happier environment for you. 
  5. Be confident. I know this is easier said than done—trust me. But if you practice exuding confidence, it shows that you love yourself, you are more likely to attract people who love themselves too. 
  6. Don’t rely on anyone else for your happiness and self-worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can love and respect yourself, no one else will be able to make that happen. 
  7. Allow yourself compassion and grace. Avoid being self-critical of yourself. Pause for a moment, take a deep breath and say to yourself, “This is a moment of difficulty, which is a part of life. But I will be kind to myself and love myself.” 
  8. Take care of your body. This is also a huge one. Putting your body and health as a priority will improve your health and mental outlook. Nurture your body by eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, exercise, and get enough sleep. 
  9. Accept your negatives. No matter how negative your current situation is, there are opportunities for growth and improvement. Your circumstances are a reflection of you, and how you choose to react to them defines who you are. Remember, the negative things in life are not permanent. 
  10. Pamper yourself. There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself. It will reduce stress. Treat yourself to a massage, a manicure and pedicure. Take a day off and do nothing productive. Seriously. Instead, sleep in, watch Hallmark movies all day, or listen to funny podcasts. 

   How are you going to self-love?