30 Days of Gratitude: Day 30

I did it! Today marks the last day of the #Blog Like Crazy challenge!

I’ll admit, when the founder of See Jane Write announced this challenge, I was fired up and ready—but the evil little voice in my head made me question myself. “How do I make time to blog every day with my plate runneth over?”

Related Reading: 3 Reasons Why I Decided to Blog Like Crazy

At the beginning of the challenge, I was prepared with a week’s worth of blog posts. Also, I’d brainstormed a lot of writing prompts for the entire 30 days. But after the first week, I found myself writing about all kinds of things and it was so much fun! It didn’t matter that I deviated from the writing prompts, as long as I was having fun. I didn’t feel the pressure to produce a certain type of writing piece. Each day, my fingers flowed effortlessly, and I flowed with them.

Being part of a tribe of women writers not only supported me during the #Blog Like Crazy challenge, but they also motivated me to keep going. I find that it’s much easier to complete a challenge when like-minded people are cheering you on.

Participating in this challenge has taught me a lot, more than I thought it would. 

Here are some things I learned:

Anything that you want to become better at is going to require you to practice—a lot. By writing blog posts every day, it certainly sharpened my writing skills. My speed and accuracy improved, and I found myself coming up with things that resonated with my readers.

What I discovered is that anything that I write about has a purpose. Whether it’s helping me to express myself through the written word, helping someone overcome an obstacle, showing someone how to do something by providing tips, or brightening their day.

Bertrand Russell once said, “No great achievement is possible without persistent work.” Even on the days that I felt tired or overwhelmed, and even when I felt like quitting for whatever reason, I pressed on to achieve an important goal—blogging for 30 days.

I’m thankful that this challenge has sharpened my writing skills to become a better writer. It has motivated me and confirmed my love for blogging.