Here are some things you should know about me (the girl who writes): 

  • I’m a dreamer, hopeless romantic, and I believe in a lot of possibilities. 
  • I’m a Pisces, (which explains being a hopeless romantic) and I was born on a leap year, February 29th. 
  • Writing (my true love) is one of the things I show up for, and it’s my antidote when stress is trying to creep into my life.
  • I’m a girly-girl and proud of it. I bleed pink.
  • I embrace womanhood and all of the beautiful things that encircles it. I love fashion and beauty as if my life depends on it because when you look good, you feel good, right?
  • By far, motherhood is the best job I will ever have-it’s my greatest gift.
  • My hunky husband describes me as someone being in between an introvert and an extrovert. Maybe I’m an ambivert, who knows.
  • I’m OCD and if my home or office is out of order; it gives me serious anxiety.
  • If something doesn’t grab my attention, I drift off far into the galaxy somewhere.
  • I’m indecisive, and I own it.
  • My guilty pleasure is crazy reality TV-don’t judge me! But if you secretly do, that’s okay too.
  • And last, but certainly not least, I have an undeniable passion for empowering tribes of women around the world through written words to live a life worth living.

Keep scrolling, girlfriend there’s more!

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Since I’ve given you the skinny on my true authentic self, let me elaborate on the professional side of who I am. 

I’m a published writer who took a chance to pursue my passion as a freelance writer, blogger, and entrepreneur. In addition to being a freelancer, I’m a full-time Retention and Student Success Specialist in higher education and I’ve worked in post-secondary for 13 years. 

My love for writing and empowering women inspired me to establish a freelance writing business, Girl You Write, LLC, and this women’s lifestyle blog. By combining two of my favorite things, both of these beauties were born. My freelance writing services include article/feature writing, blogging, social media content, web content, and more. Those services can be viewed hereAs for my blog, I always have a lot to say through written words and sticking with one specific topic just wasn’t my jam. A lifestyle blog spoke to me, and it seemed to be the perfect platform to connect with my soon-to-be girlfriends! 

I don’t profess to know it all, but I want to share sprinkles of helpful things that have changed a lot of my insecurities. Practices that have helped me break through barriers in my life, despite my fears, failures, and the opinions of others. 

Let’s face it, we’re all looking for ways to piece it all together and live our best life. Like you, I’ve encountered countless numbers of amazing women who are trying to find balance whether they’re a working mom, stay-at-home mom, single mom, soon-to-be mom, single woman, or a married woman without kids. No matter your status, we all have two things in common, we’re women, and we want to be the CEO of our own life.  

To take control of our lives and live the way we want to live-versus what society deems as “the perfect life.” My interpretation of being the CEO of your own life is finding your happiness, fulfilling your dreams, discovering your purpose, and being who you are without apologizing for it. 

In this chapter of my life, I sincerely embrace who I am, and I don’t make apologies for being me. Am I flawed? Sure I am. But I love myself! Being comfortable in my skin and approaching 40 with grace, gratitude, and grit, I give myself a high five, a pat on the back and two thumbs up! 

I hope how I value life and the blend of topics discussed, resonates with you, inspires you, and they’re relatable to positively owning your lifestyle. I hope my leap of faith encourages you to take yours, too. Even if that means doing it afraid (like me) so good things can bloom into your life. I wanted to create an outlet (a safe place for women) to feel comfortable in knowing you’re not alone, and we all put our pants on the same way, one leg at a time. 

I’m a firm believer that lifestyle is a choice you make. Something you take ownership of, and you get to choose yours-no one else. Every woman needs a tribe of women in their corner supporting and cheering them on. My ultimate goal through this blog is to help women relate to the realness of life, how to enjoy life and help them understand perfection does not exist. Learning how to let go of the notion that you have to be perfect, and everything around you has to run like a well-oiled machine.

Let it go, girl! No one is perfect, and we’re all in this thing called life together.

Here are a few things you’ll find me sharing about on the blog: writing, motherhood, personal development, life, self-care, style & beauty. 

Stay tuned for more girl talk and all the things. Until then, happy reading!