Dreams and Goals

  • My Book Cover Reveal

    My big bookish news is finally here! This reveal is one of the proudest moments of my life. I’m so excited to share this stunning cover with you! I am humbled, honored, grateful, and blessed beyond words. This book is proof that dreams DO come true. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. This book is […]


  • My Book Title Reveal

    Happy International Women’s Day! In honor of today, I felt what better time than now to reveal the title of my upcoming book!  After all, being a woman, I drew inspiration from other women to write a book because I believe we all have a story worth telling. And I wanted to share my story, insights, and […]


  • It’s My 40th Leap Year Birthday: 40 Things I Plan to Do This Year

    Today is my 40th birthday, and it’s a leap day!!!  This birthday is extra special because I’m celebrating my real birthday—February 29th.  I’ll admit when I was an impressionable teenager, and in my young naive 20’s, 40 seemed so old and so far away. Sounds absurd, right? Right! But I’ve never felt better at 40-years-old. My confidence […]


  • Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

    It’s 10:40 PM on a Saturday, and I’m lying in bed typing my first blog post of 2020—with my daughter lying beside me asleep. Her birthday party ended a few hours ago, which was a princess extravaganza that included all of her favorites: Princess Tiana, Minnie Mouse, and Elsa. She turns four-years-old on Monday, January […]


  • How I’m Planning My Goals for 2020

    On December 6th at 10:57 PM, I was lying in bed, scrolling through social media, and I saw something spectacular. It was so spectacular that it made me perk up, even in the tenth hour—on a Friday night.  At this point in my life, I live for Friday nights in bed watching Netflix, 90 Day Fiance, […]


  • 30 Ways a Wonder Woman Wins

    30 Days of Gratitude: Day 9 “As women, we have to start appreciating our own worth and each other’s worth. Seek out strong women and each other’s worth. Seek out strong women to befriend, to align yourself with, to learn from, to collaborate with, to be inspired by, to support, and enlightened by.” — Madonna […]


  • 5 Essentials for Goal Setting

    Let’s be honest, sister. How many times have you been fired up, mapped out your goals mentally, talked about your plans with your BFF, attempted to write them down, and you failed to execute?  Dang it, I know! It’s like a punch in the gut, right? Trust me girl, no judgment zone here because I’ve […]