
  • A Day in a Life of a Woman

    30 Days of Gratitude: Day 24 Do you ever wake up and tell yourself, “Today, I’m going to have a relaxed day?” If you can relate to this, too, I’m not alone. Today is one of those days for me. A sweatshirt & boots, glasses, no makeup, and I’m wearing my naturally curly hair in […]


  • 10 Self-Love Tips

    30 Days of Gratitude: Day 17 We have so much coming in as sisters, when is our interior life ever put at the forefront? We constantly want to give to other people. Too much of not caring for yourself is not a good thing. We’re bad at that as achievers. Self-care is a priority and […]


  • 3 Reasons Why Girl Time Is Needed

    Do you have that one girlfriend that understands you, and no matter what the situation is, you always have fun together and laugh until you’re about to pee your pants? That’s the kind of friendship that I have with my bestie, Cailyn. We’ve known each other since Kindergarten, and she’s more like a sister to […]