30 Days of Gratitude: Day 12


The thing I love about prayer is, I can pray at any moment in time anywhere.

My prayers are not perfectly written, eloquently said, or detailed with theological terminology. They’re merely simple conversations with my God about anything I choose to talk with Him about.

I’ve heard pastors say many times, come to church as you are, I pray as I am too. Unpolished, imperfect, and faithfully flawed.

In my heart, I believe God knows all, hears all and sees all because it is written.

He knows my prayers before I pray (Matthew 6:8).

He knows when I get up in the morning, and when we go to bed at night (Psalm 139:2-3).

He knows everything I’m going to do within the next minute, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and every moment of every day until I meet Him (Psalm 139:16).

There are no words I can utter that God doesn’t hear before I speak them. Matthew 10:30 reads, Jesus said the very hairs of our head are numbered. He is all-knowing, He is aware of everything about me, and everything I do and everything I think. Therefore, I’m revealed in my purest form.

Growing up, I was taught that prayer is powerful and purposeful. It heals. It changes. It restores. 39 years later, it still reigns to be true for me.

Here’s what I believe about prayer and how it sustains me and my life.

Purpose I’ve found it’s the still moments that I find my purpose through prayer. God whispers to me during the quiet moments in my life when I’m able to hear Him. When I’m busy, too active, and working too much — I miss the spiritual intuition and guidance. But during the moments my life is quiet: in the shower, driving to work, my devotional time, reading a book, or going for a run — those are the moments when I feel His powerful presence. Through prayer, I’m able to find my purpose by tuning myself to the voice within and my Creator.

Rationale Anytime I feel confused or need guidance on the reasoning of a situation, my prayer time provides clarity for me. I’m one of those people who likes to know the why regarding anything that doesn’t make sense to me or if I feel something is being presented unfairly. Once I understand the reasoning behind something, I’m able to receive it. Accept it. And release it. By doing this, I’m able to move forward in a healthy way that doesn’t stifle me.

Advice There are moments when I’m extremely indecisive, need to advocate on my behalf, make a difficult decision, have a tough conversation with someone, or a business decision that I need to determine if I should proceed forward or not. Seeking counsel from my God gives me comfort and clarity while knowing that I’ve obtained sound advice from Him. Otherwise, I agonize over making frivolous decisions.

Yielding I’ll admit, over the years I’ve struggled with having patience regarding the things that I’m passionate about. My anxious thoughts lead to uncertainty, but I’m learning to wait and listen to God’s voice for directions. When I pray, I yield to the Holy Spirit. And by doing that, my perspectives and perceptions change according to His, which enables me to pray according to His will. Every day isn’t perfect, and there are times when my frustration tries to get the best of me. But I practice again and again to align with His will for my life. That is the key to my answered prayers.

Everlasting Prayer is my everlasting love. When life packs a hard punch and no matter the situation or outcome — praying never fails me. It gives me the strength to withstand the tough moments in life that I sometimes have no control over. God’s wisdom and power gives me the everlasting way to not only conquer the hard things in life, but through prayer, He gives me constant love, support, and guidance.

Restores Through prayer, God restores faith, broken friendships, broken families, health, marriages, lost opportunities, lost souls, communities, and cities. He can restore you. He can restore the world. He can take what’s wrong in the world and make it right. He can make it whole. Restore me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. (Psalm 51:12)

I’m thankful for the wisdom, opportunities, and blessings that I’ve gained through prayer.