Month: November 2019

  • 15 Confessions

    30 Days of Gratitude: Day 20 1. Although I’m a born and bred Southern girl, I don’t like football. I have no idea when the super bowl airs unless my husband tells me. Even then, I only tune in for the half time show. I’d rather be shopping while everyone is watching football.2. I’ve been […]


  • How to Blog with the Content Planner

    30 Days of Gratitude: Day 18 On September 12th, I ordered The Content Planner to blog like a boss. It’s been one of the best investments and tools that I’ve added to my freelancing and blogging toolbox. If you blog or if you’re interested in becoming a blogger, it’s necessary to plan out your blog […]


  • 10 Self-Love Tips

    30 Days of Gratitude: Day 17 We have so much coming in as sisters, when is our interior life ever put at the forefront? We constantly want to give to other people. Too much of not caring for yourself is not a good thing. We’re bad at that as achievers. Self-care is a priority and […]


  • The Life of a Working Mother

    30 Days of Gratitude: Day 15 “Mommy, where is my soccer ball?” “Mommy, I can’t find my shoes! Where are they?” “Mommy, I don’t want to go to bed!” Does this sound familiar to you after a long day at work? As a working mom myself, that’s how many times and ways my 3.5-year-old says […]


  • My Embarrassing Moment I’ll Never Forget

    30 Days of Gratitude: Day 14 This story begins with hair rollers.  Not just any hair rollers — sponge rollers! The kind that leaves your hair tight and super curly. Remember those?  (If your memory is foggy, let me help you out.) Remember the pink sponge hair rollers that your mom used before bed to look fabulous on […]


  • How My Prayer Life Sustains Me

    30 Days of Gratitude: Day 12 The thing I love about prayer is, I can pray at any moment in time anywhere. My prayers are not perfectly written, eloquently said, or detailed with theological terminology. They’re merely simple conversations with my God about anything I choose to talk with Him about. I’ve heard pastors say […]


  • Why Niagara Falls Is Magical,18 Niagara Falls is amazing! Fun facts:  It’s a geological wonder, and one of the most famous waterfalls in the world. • Roughly 30 million people visit Niagra Falls each year.• It’s one of the most popular honeymoon destinations, and it has been for more than 200 years. • The water rushes over the falls […]