30 Days of Gratitude: Day 10

Without a doubt, Christmas is my favorite time of year!

I’m that person that when November 1st comes, I’m fully in Christmas mode, and I want to decorate. Psychologists confirm people who decorate for Christmas early are happier.

(Dare I ask, what could be better?)

The smell of fresh-cut trees, dazzling lights, decorations, sipping on hot cocoa by the fire, and watching lots of Hallmark movies are a few of my favorite things during the holiday season.

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve had a deep love for Christmas.

During my childhood (one year in particular), on a cold Saturday morning while watching cartoons, I asked my Dad to find and cut a fresh tree. Being a great dad that he is, he obliged my request. He left our house wearing a black toboggan & gloves, a red & black flannel jacket, and his work pants and boots carrying a saw and ax in search of a tree. We lived in the country, so that year was a bonus for us because we got a free tree.

But not just any tree, it was quite a special tree that’s tucked away safe in my memory forever. I’m not exactly sure what my Dad was thinking that year on his adventurous search for the perfect tree, but he arrived home with a skimpy ft pine tree.

(A tree that needed lots of TLC.)

As he carried the tree through the door, the fresh pine scent filled the house with a strong aroma (that I can still smell now).

My mom chuckled, and my brother’s look…well, it expressed everything that he wanted to say. My dad’s response was, “Shoot, this tree looks good!” Instantly, I thought, we’re going to have the best Charlie Brown Christmas ever!

Cue the peanuts music!

With my eyes dancing with excitement, I said to my brother, “We’re going to decorate it and make it the most beautiful tree anyone has ever seen!” I was so proud of that tree. With a slight tilt, handmade ornaments hung, garland glistened, and lights flickered — our tree stood with love. Despite it being a “Charlie Brown” tree — I didn’t let that ruin the magic of Christmas. My excitement grew stronger, and I started counting down the days to December 25th. We had a magical Christmas. 

Many years later, that same feeling of excitement still grips my heart every year when I share Christmas traditions with my family.

I’d always envisioned my own home decorated with multiple trees (3 to be exact) with white lights. Watching Xmas classics: Rudolf The Red-Noised Reindeer, Frosty The Snowman, A Charlie Brown Christmas, and A Christmas Story while a fire burned. And nothing warms my heart more than hearing my 3- year-old daughter’s footsteps, while she runs through the house to see the Christmas lights and shakes presents.

The precious sound of pitter-patter through our home, and the smell of mouthwatering cookies baking in oven reassures me that everything is alright. I want to freeze those memories in time. Bottle them up and keep them tucked away in a safe place forever.

Those are the moments that I’m so thankful for.

What are childhood memories that you’ll never forget?